Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another Disturbing Advertisement

And this time the culprit is Walgreens. Perhaps not very surprising. 

Moments ago, I looked up from my laptop and noticed a commercial interrupting the rerun of Law and Order that I have undoubtedly seen no less than 4 times, which was playing on TV in the background. The commercial depicted a 40-something aged couple mis-maneuvering their SUV with a fishing boat in tandem in their driveway. This endeavor was met with ridiculous obstacle. Garbage pails were crushed and the garage door pierced. 

As we watch this unfold, the wife explains in voice over how her husband has taken up fishing in order to reduce stress and get healthier. But her voice has a tinge of disappointment or agitation in it. Then the camera pans to her shopping in Walgreens for vitamins and supplements for her husband as a voice tells you to come to Walgreens for your health needs.

The way I interpret it, this ad's message is, "Don't waste your time DOING things to be healthy, come shop for drugs."Perhaps I am sensitive to this kind of message in the wake of Paula Dean's coming out as a diabetes drug rep instead of a responsible chef. And I am sure this particular Walgreens commercial is one of many sending such negative messages. 

These types of messages which vilify being physical, and the outdoors - the natural - are all part of the culture of fear we live in. We should always seek out natural cures when possible. We humans are animals! We are part of nature! We need to embrace our position within nature, not work as the singular force destroying nature.

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