Friday, February 17, 2012

A Disturbing Week for Women

This has been an emotional week for me and many other women. I don't remember the last time I was so personally effected - emotionally, intellectually, and otherwise - by so many upsetting events in the news: Chris Brown being celebrated at the Grammy's, Foster Friess (Rick Santorum's ally and one of his largest financial backers) telling women to hold an aspirin between their knees as birth control, the Violence Against Women Act's reauthorization being held hostage in Congress, the "personhood" bill being passed in Virginia, limiting if not restricting completely Virginians ability to seek abortion, the general attack the GOP is wagering against Obama's birth control mandate, and specifically the all-male panel of witnesses we saw testifying on the birth control debate on Capital Hill. 

I started this week by writing a piece about my reaction to Chris Brown's face being plastered all over the Grammy's and the backlash that has rightfully ensued. But I've been struggling to put my reaction into cohesive sentences, because as someone who has experienced sexual assault and domestic violence firsthand, my reaction is guttural, emotional, and personal. And as I struggled with this, the blows kept coming. 

What, that co-payment for my birth control that I thought was going to disappear might not? Right, that co-payment that I can hardly afford because I am ill and unemployed and I spend nearly $600 a month on medical and prescription insurance coverage, is going to stick around AND my future employers may be able to deny coverage of my birth control completely if the GOP get their way. So, in the future I may need to spend $80+ on this essential medication each month - something that I very literally cannot afford. And then to see that panel of all-men, predominantly OLD WHITE MEN, testifying in front of Congress... well, it's quite honestly enough to make me cry with sadness and frustration.

So it is any surprise that I feel like my body is personally under attack? I know I am not alone. And on the off change that this little personal blog has any readers, I'd love to hear your opinions and reactions to these recent events as I try to formulate my own response.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another Disturbing Advertisement

And this time the culprit is Walgreens. Perhaps not very surprising. 

Moments ago, I looked up from my laptop and noticed a commercial interrupting the rerun of Law and Order that I have undoubtedly seen no less than 4 times, which was playing on TV in the background. The commercial depicted a 40-something aged couple mis-maneuvering their SUV with a fishing boat in tandem in their driveway. This endeavor was met with ridiculous obstacle. Garbage pails were crushed and the garage door pierced. 

As we watch this unfold, the wife explains in voice over how her husband has taken up fishing in order to reduce stress and get healthier. But her voice has a tinge of disappointment or agitation in it. Then the camera pans to her shopping in Walgreens for vitamins and supplements for her husband as a voice tells you to come to Walgreens for your health needs.

The way I interpret it, this ad's message is, "Don't waste your time DOING things to be healthy, come shop for drugs."Perhaps I am sensitive to this kind of message in the wake of Paula Dean's coming out as a diabetes drug rep instead of a responsible chef. And I am sure this particular Walgreens commercial is one of many sending such negative messages. 

These types of messages which vilify being physical, and the outdoors - the natural - are all part of the culture of fear we live in. We should always seek out natural cures when possible. We humans are animals! We are part of nature! We need to embrace our position within nature, not work as the singular force destroying nature.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome to my Pursuit of Life

Welcome to the commencement of In Pursuit of Life. As my profile indicates, I find myself at a transitional point in my life. I am unemployed, having left my dissatisfying but stable career as an insurance broker and now seek occupation that will provide me with a sense of meaning and purpose. I have broken-up with two formerly close girlfriends who were sucking the life out of me with their negativity. I've moved from my comfortable one bedroom in Brooklyn (a place I called home for over 5 years), to a large three bedroom in New Jersey with my (ex)boyfriend. AND the man I love and live with is in fact my roommate, my ex-boyfriend, no longer my lover or partner.

I obviously need to make some major changes in my life, and I am up for the challenge!

I will see this time in my life as TRANSITION, not turmoil. No more negative connotations. I am pursuing life to the fullest, which means health and happiness are things that I want, need and deserve for this life I must carve out for myself. Wish me luck!

So, what is this blog project about? My thoughts. My ideas. My goals. Concerns. Stances. Problems. Triumphs. Fears. Hopes. Creativity. My chance to use this as a forum to connect with other writers and like minded people. I have too many idea at this point to decide on a clear and distinct path for this project. Most importantly, I want to reawaken the creativity I know is inside of me and put honest, thoughtful word to paper (virtual paper, you know what I mean). I honestly think that by doing this I will find meaning and purpose for all aspects of my life. This is the goal.

Some topics that I care about, am interested in, and can foresee writing about include:

Dogs, Pet ownership
Mental wellness
Animal welfare
LGBT Rights

Here's to writing frequently and fervently!